Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor FP2030 User Manual

Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s  
Mo d e l FP2030, FP2031, FP2032, FP2033  
Ple a se re a d a n d sa ve t h e se in st ru ct io n s. Re a d ca re fu lly b e fo re a t t e m p t in g t o a sse m b le , in st a ll, o p e ra t e o r m a in t a in t h e  
p ro d u ct d e scrib e d . Pro t e ct yo u rse lf a n d o t h e rs b y o b se rvin g a ll sa fe t y in fo rm a t io n . Fa ilu re t o co m p ly w it h in st ru ct io n s  
co u ld re su lt in p e rso n a l in ju ry a n d /o r p ro p e rt y d a m a g e ! Re t a in in st ru ct io n s fo r fu t u re re fe re n ce .  
Ne e d  
Assist a n ce ?  
Ca ll Us First !  
Portable Handheld  
Air Com pressor  
Record the Model No., Serial No. and  
date of purchase located on the base  
below the pump in the space below.  
De scrip t io n  
Portable oilless air compressors are for  
home and workshop use. All models  
are equipped with regulators, needle  
and ball bearings, and motors with  
automatic overload protection.  
Breathable Air Warning  
Model No. ____________________  
Serial No. ____________________  
Date of purchase _________________  
This compressor/pump is not  
equipped and should not be used  
“as is” to supply breathing quality  
air. For any application of air for  
human consumption, the air  
compressor/pump w ill need to be  
fitted w ith suitable in-line safety  
and alarm equipment. This  
additional equipment is necessary  
to properly filter and purify the air  
to meet minimal specifications for  
Grade D breathing as described in  
Compressed Gas Association  
Commodity Specification G 7.1 -  
1966, OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 134,  
and/or Canadian Standards  
Sa fe t y Gu id e lin e s  
Retain these numbers for future  
This manual contains information that  
is very important to know and  
understand. This information is  
provided for SAFETY and to PREVENT  
recognize this information, observe the  
following symbols.  
Do n o t o p e ra t e  
u n it if d a m a g e d  
d u rin g sh ip p in g , h a n d lin g o r u se .  
Da m a g e m a y re su lt in b u rst in g a n d  
ca u se in ju ry o r p ro p e rt y d a m a g e .  
Ge n e ra l Sa fe t y  
Da n g e r in d ica t e s  
a n im m in e n t ly  
h a za rd o u s sit u a t io n w h ich , if n o t  
a vo id e d , w ill re su lt in d e a t h o r se rio u s  
in ju ry.  
Since the air compressor and other  
components (material pump, spray  
guns, filters, lubricators, hoses, etc.)  
used, make up a high pressure  
pumping system, the following safety  
precautions must be observed at all  
Associations (CSA).  
Wa rn in g in d ica t e s  
In the event the compressor is used  
for the purpose of breathing air  
application and proper in-line  
safety and alarm equipment is not  
simultaneously used, existing  
w arranties shall be voided, and  
Campbell Hausfeld disclaims any  
liability w hatsoever for any loss,  
personal injury or damage.  
p o t e n t ia lly  
h a za rd o u s sit u a t io n w h ich , if n o t  
a vo id e d , co u ld re su lt in d e a t h o r  
se rio u s in ju ry.  
1. Read all manuals included  
with this product  
carefully. Be thoroughly  
familiar with the controls  
and the proper use of the  
Ca u t io n in d ica t e s a  
p o t e n t ia lly  
h a za rd o u s sit u a t io n w h ich , if n o t  
a vo id e d , m a y re su lt in m in o r o r  
m o d e ra t e in ju ry.  
No t ice in d ica t e s  
im p o rt a n t  
in fo rm a t io n , t h a t if n o t fo llo w e d , m a y  
ca u se d a m a g e t o e q u ip m e n t .  
2. Follow all local electrical and safety  
codes as well as in the US, National  
Electrical Codes (NEC) and  
Occupational Safety and Health Act  
6. Do not stand on or use the pump or  
unit as a handhold.  
Un p a ckin g  
After unpacking the unit, inspect  
carefully for any damage that may have  
occurred during transit. Make sure any  
loose fittings, bolts, etc., are tightened  
before putting unit into service. Have  
the serial number, model number, and  
parts list (with missing parts circled)  
before calling for assistance.  
7. Before each use, inspect compressed  
air system and electrical components  
for signs of damage, deterioration,  
weakness or leakage. Repair or  
3. Only persons well acquainted with  
these rules of safe operation should  
be allowed to use the compressor.  
replace defective items before using.  
4. Keep visitors away and NEVER allow  
children in the work area.  
8. Check all fasteners at frequent  
intervals for proper tightness.  
5. Wear safety glasses and  
use hearing protection  
when operating the  
pump or unit.  
For parts, product & service information  
© 2002 Campbell Hausfeld  
IN604200AV 1/02  
visit w w w .ch p o w e m  
Portable Handheld Air Com pressor  
Alw a ys u se  
se p -  
Do n o t lo ca t e t h e  
co m p re sso r a ir in le t  
n e a r st e a m , p a in t sp ra y, sa n d b la st  
a re a s o r a n y o t h e r so u rce o f  
co n t a m in a t io n . Th is d e b ris w ill d a m a g e  
t h e m o t o r.  
Ge n e ra l Sa fe t y (Co n t .)  
a ra t e p re ssu re  
g a u g e t o ch e ck t h e a ct u a l p re ssu re in  
t ire s a n d in lo w p re ssu re in fla t a b le  
o b je ct s.  
Mo t o rs, e le ct rica l  
e q u ip m e n t a n d co n t ro ls  
ca n ca u se e le ct rica l a rcs  
Ele ct rica l Da t a  
t h a t w ill ig n it e  
fla m m a b le g a s o r  
va p o r. Ne ve r o p e ra t e o r re p a ir in o r  
n e a r a fla m m a b le g a s o r va p o r. Ne ve r  
st o re fla m m a b le liq u id s o r g a se s in t h e  
vicin it y o f t h e co m p re sso r.  
Th is p ro d u ct is fo r  
Do n o t sp ra y fla m m a b le  
m a t e ria ls in vicin it y o f  
o p e n fla m e o r n e a r  
ig n it io n so u rce s in clu d in g t h e  
co m p re sso r u n it .  
u se o n  
n o m in a l  
120 vo lt circu it . Ma ke su re t h a t p ro d u ct  
is co n n e ct e d t o a n o u t le t h a vin g sa m e  
co n fig u ra t io n a s p lu g .  
13. Do not smoke when spraying paint,  
insecticides, or other flammable  
Co m p re sso r p a rt s m a y b e  
h o t e ve n if t h e u n it is  
st o p p e d .  
1. Local electrical wiring codes differ  
from area to area. Source wiring,  
plug and protector must be rated for  
at least the amperage and voltage  
indicated on motor nameplate, and  
meet all electrical codes for this  
14. Use a face mask/  
respirator when  
spraying and spray in a  
well ventilated area to  
prevent health and fire  
9. Keep fingers away from a running  
compressor; fast moving and hot  
parts will cause injury and/or burns.  
10. If the equipment should start to  
abnormally vibrate, switch unit OFF  
(O) and check immediately for the  
cause. Vibration is generally a  
warning of trouble.  
2. Use a slow blow fuse type T or a circuit  
15. Do not direct paint or other sprayed  
material at the compressor. Locate  
compressor as far away from the  
spraying area as possible to  
minimize overspray accumulation  
on the compressor.  
Overheating, short  
circuiting and fire  
11. To reduce fire hazard, keep motor  
free of oil, solvent, or excessive  
damage w ill result from inadequate  
w iring, etc.  
NOTE: This compressor can be operated  
on a 115 volt, 15 amp circuit under the  
following conditions:  
12. Fast moving air will stir up dust and  
debris which may be harmful.  
Release air slowly when draining  
moisture or depressurizing the  
compressor system.  
a. Circuit is not heavily loaded.  
b. Voltage supply is normal.  
c. Extension cords are of the minimum  
gauge specified in this instruction  
An y m isu se o f u n it co u ld  
ca u se p ro p e rt y o r e q u ip m e n t  
d a m a g e a n d /o r p e rso n a l  
d. Circuit is equipped with a 15 amp  
circuit breaker or a 15 amp slow  
blow fuse type T.  
in ju ry.  
Do n o t le a ve t h e  
co m p re sso r  
u n a t t e n d e d w h ile t h e u n it is ru n n in g .  
Air Outlet  
To a vo id lo ss o f  
p o w e r a n d p o ssib le  
Fig u re  
o ve rh e a t in g , u se a d d it io n a l a ir h o se  
in st e a d o f e xt e n sio n co rd s t o re a ch  
w o rk a re a .  
Ne ve r e xce e d t h e  
re co m m e n d e d p re ssu re fo r  
a n y in fla t a b le o b je ct . Do  
n o t o ve r in fla t e o b je ct s.  
Ove r in fla t io n co u ld ca u se p ro p e rt y  
d a m a g e a n d /o r p e rso n a l in ju ry.  
16. When spraying or cleaning with  
solvents or toxic chemicals, follow  
the instructions provided by the  
chemical manufacturer.  
1. Use only a 3-wire extension cord that  
has a 3-blade grounding plug, and a  
3-slot receptacle that will accept plug  
on product.  
Alw a ys p u t t h e ca r  
in p a rk; se t t h e  
Lo ca t io n  
2. Make sure extension cord is in good  
condition, and heavy enough to  
carry current product will draw. An  
undersized cord will cause a drop in  
line voltage resulting in loss of  
power and overheating.  
e m e rg e n cy b ra ke ; a n d b lo ck t h e w h e e ls  
(t o st o p t h e m fro m m o vin g ) b e fo re  
u sin g t h e co m p re sso r o r p ro p e rt y  
d a m a g e a n d /o r p e rso n a l in ju ry co u ld  
o ccu r.  
It is extremely important to use the  
compressor in a clean, well ventilated  
area where the surrounding air  
temperature will not be more than  
w w w .ch p o w e m  
Model FP2030, FP2031, FP2032, FP2033  
Ele ct rica l Da t a (Co n t .)  
Moisture in compressed air will form into droplets as it comes from an air  
compressor pump. When humidity is high or when a compressor is in continuous  
use for an extended period of time, this moisture will collect in the fittings and  
hose. When using a paint spray or sandblast gun, this water will be carried from  
the tank through the hose, and out of the gun as droplets mixed with the spray  
IMPORTANT: This condensation will cause water spots in a paint job,  
especially when spraying other than water based paints. If sandblasting, it will  
cause the sand to cake and clog the gun, rendering it ineffective. A filter in  
the air line (MP3105), located as near to the gun as possible, will help  
eliminate this moisture.  
3. To avoid loss of power and  
overheating, it is better to use  
additional air hose instead of  
extension cords to reach work area.  
4. Table below shows correct size to  
use depending on cord length and  
nameplate ampere rating. If in  
doubt, use next heavier gauge.  
NOTE: The smaller the gauge number,  
the heavier the cord.  
Th e sw it ch sh o u ld  
b e in t h e OFF (O)  
p o sit io n w h e n co n n e ct in g o r  
d isco n n e ct in g t h e p o w e r co rd fro m t h e  
e le ct rica l o u t le t .  
3. Check with a qualified electrician or  
serviceman if grounding instructions  
are not completely understood, or if in  
doubt as to whether product is  
properly grounded. Do not modify  
plug provided; if it will not fit outlet,  
have proper outlet installed by a  
qualified electrician.  
5. This product is for use on a nominal  
120 volt circuit and has a polarized  
plug. Make sure that the product is  
connected to an outlet having the  
same configuration as the plug.  
Do not use an adapter  
w ith this product!  
1. This regulator controls air pressure to  
the hose and attachment.  
Never connect  
green (or green and  
yellow ) w ire to a live terminal.  
To a vo id lo ss o f  
p o w e r a n d p o ssib le  
o ve rh e a t in g , u se a d d it io n a l a ir h o se  
in st e a d o f e xt e n sio n co rd s t o re a ch  
w o rk a re a .  
2. Turning knob clockwise increases air  
pressure at outlet.  
3. Turning counterclockwise will lower  
air pressure at outlet.  
Op e ra t io n  
1. This product should be grounded. In  
the event of an electrical short  
circuit, grounding reduces risk of  
electrical shock by providing an  
escape wire for electric current. This  
product is equipped with a cord  
having a grounding wire with an  
appropriate grounding plug. Plug  
must be plugged into an outlet that  
is properly installed and grounded  
in accordance with all local codes  
and ordinances.  
Do n o t a t t a ch a ir  
ch u ck o r o t h e r t o o l  
t o o p e n e n d o f h o se u n t il st a rt -u p h a s  
b e e n co m p le t e d a n d u n it ch e cks OK.  
Wa ll Mo u n t in g  
This compressor is designed with an  
option to be hung on a wall or  
pegboard for convenient storage. It can  
also be operated while in the hanging  
position if one of the following  
conditions is met:  
IMPORTANT: Do not operate  
compressor before reading instructions  
or damage may result.  
1. With power switch OFF (O), turn  
regulator knob fully  
counterclockwise to minimum  
operating pressure.  
1. If mounted on a wall, mounting  
hardware is secured into wood or  
masonry with suitable fasteners.  
Improper use of  
grounding plug can  
result in a possible risk of electrical shock!  
2. While unit is still OFF (O), plug in  
power cord.  
NOTE: Do not use grounding adapter.  
2. If mounted on drywall or gypsum  
board, toggle bolts or mounting  
anchors are strong enough and are  
properly secure to resist vibration  
from the compressor.  
2. If repair or replacement of cord or  
plug is necessary, do not connect  
grounding wire to either flat blade  
terminal. The wire with insulation  
having an outlet surface that is green  
with or without yellow stripes is the  
grounding wire.  
3. Turn switch to ON (I) position and  
run unit for 5 minutes to break in the  
pump parts.  
Th is u n it is a  
co n t in u o u sly  
ru n n in g co m p re sso r. No rm a l o p e ra t io n  
ca u se s t h e re g u la t o r t o ve n t a ir.  
3. If mounted on a pegboard, other  
items hung from the pegboard are  
secure enough to resist vibration  
from the compressor.  
4. Attach chuck or other tool to open  
end of hose. The compressor is now  
ready to use.  
Fig u re 2 - Gro u n d in g Me t h o d  
Ext e n sio n co rd s fo r 120V/5 Am p Un it  
Le n g t h o f Co rd (ft )  
Gauge of Cord  
w w w .ch p o w e m  
Portable Handheld Air Com pressor  
If t h e t h e rm a l  
o ve rlo a d p ro t e ct o r  
The compressor should be checked  
Wa ll Mo u n t in g (Co n t .)  
often for any visible problems and the  
following maintenance procedures  
should be performed each time the  
compressor is used.  
is a ct u a t e d , t h e m o t o r m u st b e a llo w e d  
t o co o l d o w n b e fo re st a rt -u p is p o ssib le .  
Th e m o t o r w ill a u t o m a t ica lly re st a rt  
w it h o u t w a rn in g if le ft p lu g g e d in t o  
e le ct rica l o u t le t a n d u n it is t u rn e d o n .  
On the bottom of the compressor are  
two keyhole-shaped mounting points  
that are spaced 4 inches apart. The  
compressor is designed to be hung with  
the hose outlet pointed downward.  
When installing on pegboard, hang  
from 1/4 or 1/8 inch hooks spaced 4  
inches apart. When hanging from the  
wall, accurately space the fasteners  
exactly 4 inches apart horizontally or  
the compressor will not line up with  
the fasteners. The compressor is  
designed to hang from the head of the  
screw or nail.  
1. Turn power OFF (O) and clean dust  
and dirt from air lines and vent  
1. When not in use, store hose and  
compressor in a cool dry place.  
IMPORTANT: Locate unit as far from  
2. Disconnect hose and hang open ends  
down, to allow any moisture to  
spraying area as possible.  
Th is is a n o ille ss  
t yp e co m p re sso r  
re q u irin g n o lu b rica t io n .  
Te ch n ica l Se rvice  
For information regarding the opera-  
tion or repair of this product, please call  
1-800-543-6400. If you are calling from  
Ohio or outside the continental United  
States, please call 1-513-367-1182.  
Th is co m p re sso r is  
e q u ip p e d w it h  
a u t o m a t ic re se t t h e rm a l o ve rlo a d  
p ro t e ct o rs w h ich w ill sh u t o ff t h e  
m o t o r if it b e co m e s o ve rh e a t e d .  
Ma in t e n a n ce  
If thermal overload protectors shut  
motor OFF (O) frequently, look for the  
following causes.  
Disco n n e ct p o w e r so u rce  
t h e n re le a se a ll p re ssu re  
fro m t h e syst e m b e fo re  
a t t e m p t in g t o in st a ll, se rvice , re lo ca t e  
o r p e rfo rm a n y m a in t e n a n ce .  
1. Low voltage..  
2. Lack of proper ventilation.  
3. High ambient temperature.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g Ch a rt  
Possible Cause(s)  
Corrective Action  
Compressor will not run  
1. No electrical power  
2. Blown fuse  
1. Plugged in? Check fuse/breaker or motor overload  
2. Replace blown fuse  
3. Breaker open  
4. Thermal overload(s) open  
3. Reset, determine cause of problem  
4. Motor(s) will restart when cool  
Fuses blow / circuit breaker  
Incorrect size fuse, circuit overloaded  
Check for proper fuse, use time-delay fuse. Disconnect other  
electrical appliances from circuit or operate compressor on its  
own branch circuit  
Thermal overload  
protector cuts out  
1. Low voltage  
1. Check with voltmeter  
2. Reduce operating time or use a larger compressor  
3. Move compressor to well ventilated or cooler area  
2. Compressor is being overworked  
3. Lack of proper ventilation/room  
temperature too high  
Knocks, rattles, excessive  
Defective pump  
Replace compressor  
Air output lower than  
normal / low discharge  
1. Air leaks in piping or hose (on machine or  
in outside system)  
2. Regulator not set correctly  
3. Pump worn  
1. Replace leaking components or tighten as necessary  
2. Adjust regulator setting  
3. Replace compressor  
Excessive moisture in  
discharge air  
High humidity  
Move to area of less humidity; use air line filter  
No action needed  
Compressor runs  
This compressor does not shut off when  
maximum pressure is attained  
w w w .ch p o w e m  
Portable Handheld Air Com pressor  
Limited Warranty  
1. DURATION: One year from the date of purchase by the original purchaser.  
Campbell Hausfeld / Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Telephone: (800) 543-6400  
3. WHO RECEIVES THIS WARRANTY (PURCHASER): The original purchaser (other than for purposes of resale) of the Campbell  
Hausfeld compressor.  
4. WHAT PRODUCTS ARE COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY: Any Campbell Hausfeld air compressor.  
5. WHAT IS COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY: Substantial defects due to material and workmanship with the exceptions noted  
A. Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED FROM THE  
DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE AS STATED IN THE DURATION. If this compressor is used for commercial, industrial or rental  
purposes, the warranty will apply for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. Four cylinder single-stage and two-stage  
compressors are not limited to a ninety (90) day warranty when used in commercial or industrial applications. Some States do  
not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.  
FAILURE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE CAMPBELL HAUSFELD PRODUCT. Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitations of  
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  
C. Any failure that results from an accident, purchaser’s abuse, neglect or failure to operate products in accordance with  
instructions provided in the owner’s manual(s) supplied with compressor.  
D. Pre-delivery service, i.e. assembly, oil or lubricants, and adjustment.  
E. Items or service that are normally required to maintain the product, i.e. lubricants, filters and gaskets, etc.  
F. Gasoline engines and components are expressly excluded from coverage under this limited warranty. The Purchaser must  
comply with the warranty given by the engine manufacturer which is supplied with the product.  
G. Additional items not covered under this warranty:  
1. All Compressors  
a. Any component damaged in shipment or any failure caused by installing or operating unit under conditions not in  
accordance with installation and operation guidelines or damaged by contact with tools or surroundings.  
b. Pump or valve failure caused by rain, excessive humidity, corrosive environments or other contaminants.  
c. Cosmetic defects that do not interfere with compressor functionality.  
d. Electric motors, including brushes, check valves and pressure switches after the first year of ownership.  
e. Fittings, hoses, accessories, feet, shrouds, bearings, air tools and nailers after the first year of ownership.  
f. Damage due to incorrect voltage or improper wiring.  
g. Other items not listed but considered general wear parts.  
2. Lubricated Compressors  
a. Pump wear or valve damage caused by using oil not specified.  
b. Pump wear or valve damage caused by any oil contamination or by failure to follow proper oil maintenance guidelines.  
3. Belt Drive / Direct Drive / Gas Driven Compressors  
a. Belts.  
b. Ring wear or valve damage.  
c. Manually adjusted load/unload and throttle control devices.  
7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF WARRANTOR UNDER THIS WARRANTY: Repair or replace, at Warrantor’s option, compressor or component  
which is defective, has malfunctioned and/or failed to conform within duration of the warranty period.  
A. Provide dated proof of purchase and maintenance records.  
B. Portable compressors or components must be delivered or shipped to the nearest Campbell Hausfeld Authorized Service  
Center. Freight costs, if any, must be borne by the purchaser.  
C. Use reasonable care in the operation and maintenance of the products as described in the owner’s manual(s).  
scheduled and serviced according to the normal work flow at the servicing location, and depending on the availability of  
replacement parts.  
Limited Warranty applies in the U.S. and Canada only and gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary  
from State to State or country to country.  
w w w .ch p o w e m  

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